Dental Crowns: What Are They, Types, Procedure & Care

Dental Crowns: What Are They, Types, Procedure & Care

If you plan on getting a dental crown, you are not alone! Dental crowns are among the most common dental procedures performed in the United States. They help to restore the function or form of teeth; however, before making an appointment, it’s important to understand what a dental crown is and how it can help.

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap placed over a tooth to help cover and restore its size and shape. Crowns can be made using different materials, including ceramic, metal, or porcelain. When a tooth gets chipped, cracked, or broken, a crown can help you restore it. Dentists may also use them to cover any discolored or misshapen tooth.

Dental Crowns And Their Types Explained!

Crowns are caps placed over a tooth to protect it from further damage, improve its appearance, or restore a tooth already damaged. There are several kinds of dental crowns. What type is best for you depends on your needs and wants.

  • The most common kind of dental crown is a porcelain crown. They are known to be durable and can easily match the color of your natural teeth. Porcelain dental crowns are also less likely to discolor with time.
  • Another option is a ceramic crown. Ceramic dental crowns are also quite durable but are less resistant to stains than porcelain crowns.
  • Metal crowns are another option. They are, however, not as popular as they once were since they are unsightly in comparison to porcelain or ceramic crowns. They are also much more likely to cause allergic reactions for some.

If your tooth has severe damage or decay, we might recommend you get a full-coverage crown. These dental crowns help cover an entire tooth, including its roots. A partial-coverage dental crown will cover only a part of your tooth and is generally used for cosmetic purposes.

The Procedure

The process of getting a dental crown takes two visits to your dentist. In your initial visit, the dentist will prepare your tooth by shaping the tooth and removing any decay. The dentist will take an impression of the tooth to create your custom dental crown.

Your second visit will include placing a permanent crown on your tooth. With some care, your dental crown should last for many years! The professional will ensure the correct color and fit before attaching the crown permanently. After you get a dental crown, practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups is critical.

Aftercare Tips

After your procedure, you must take care of your new tooth. Here are some common aftercare tips that you need to follow after getting a crown:

  • Brush and floss your teeth, avoiding the crown.
  • Get a soft-bristled brush and nonabrasive toothpaste.
  • Avoid chewing on complex objects or biting your nails.
  • Be careful when eating sticky or hard foods.
  • Visit your dentist for regular cleaning and check-ups.

Contact Todays Dental to Learn More about Dental Crowns!

In most instances, getting a crown is elective. It means it’s usually up to the patient to decide whether they should get one. However, there are some cases where getting a dental crown is imperative to protect your oral health. Our experts from Today’s Dental can help you decide if getting a dental crown is right for you. They can also tell you more about the process, what it entails, and if there are any alternatives to getting a crown that you can look into, like dental veneers. Call us at 815-609-1110 for more information.


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