Everything You Need To Know About Botox for Bruxism

Everything You Need To Know About Botox for Bruxism

Everything You Need To Know About Botox for Bruxism

When Botox is normally mentioned, it’s often in terms of aesthetic medicine and wrinkle reduction. However, today we will highlight the advantages of using Botox for Bruxism. It is a relatively recent application of botulinum toxin that’s been discovered and is one of the areas showing some of the best results.  Bruxism is an involuntary movement of muscles that we use for chewing. It results in clenching your teeth more than necessary and generally occurs during sleep. Bruxism has several causes, including anxiety, stress, or an incorrect jaw alignment (malocclusion issues). Botox can help you solve this issue and offers months of relief without undergoing complicated surgery. Bruxism is a widespread problem among adults.  Botox can be an effective solution for this problem.

Bruxism: Defined

Bruxism is clenching your teeth involuntarily and unconsciously due to repeated contraction of your masseter muscles. It can occur any time of the day, though it’s been noticed to be more active at night. The primary causes of Bruxism are not well understood, but it is believed to have a close relationship with an intense nervous state, often resulting from issues like stress or anxiety.  The problems with Bruxism tend to go beyond the retraction of gums and teeth wear. In severe cases, Bruxism can result in a fractured jaw. It cold also trigger other issues such as headaches, insomnia, vertigo, dizziness, muscle contractions in the back and neck, or ear discomfort. Even if you don’t have a case of severe Bruxism, it still may affect your mental and physical health.

Botox For Bruxism

Botox helps relax the muscles where it’s injected, which is why it’s used to treat muscle diseases like Bruxism. The injections will be applied to your masseter muscles. The procedure is not considered painful, but a local anesthetic can be used.

After an initial consultation, one of our experienced dentists will decide how much Botox you need per treatment. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may require 18 to 24 Botox units. During the initial consultation, you will have a chance to clarify any questions about the treatment.

Advantages of Using Botox for Bruxism

Botox can be used by adults without contraindications unless they have an allergy to botulinum toxin or other severe health complications that would be discussed during your initial consultation. Botox for Bruxism has several advantages, making it a preferred treatment for most patients. These advantages include:

  • It’s a minimally invasive process, not requiring hospital admission. You can quickly get back to your life from the first day.
  • The treatment injections can be administered in 30 to 45 minutes, so you do not have to change your daily schedule significantly.
  • It does not require any recovery time and has zero noticeable side effects. You can quickly eat and usually talk right after your treatment.
  • You will no longer need discharge splints, adding more comfort to your daily routine.
  • Your molars and teeth will not suffer any wear and tear due to clenching your jaws.
  • Common symptoms of Bruxism like headaches and vertigo will disappear.
  • You will feel more relaxed on your face.

Moreover, Botox for Bruxism may provide some secondary aesthetic issues. Some women with Bruxism may notice their faces taking on an angular shape due to their condition. It generally results in a more masculine appearance. Botox can help you address this issue. It will help your face to return to its standard shape and can improve self-confidence and self-esteem.

In such cases, you may see visible improvements after your third or fourth week. This improvement can also affect men though it’s usually less visible. The treatment can also help you reduce wrinkles from the constant pressure on your teeth. This treatment’s only known side effects are a slight itch or a small bruise in the area where the Botox has been administered.

It is important to remember that Bruxism is a disease that is not curable. However, Botox can help you find relief from the consequences and symptoms of Bruxism to help improve your quality of life. Contact our team to find out more about your treatment.

Todays Dental Is Here To Help You Find Relief From Bruxism.

Our team of dental professionals understand that a lot of patients have a fear of visiting a dentist. However, our staff is well-trained to provide you with the best and gentle care you deserve. We have years of training and experience, which makes it easy for our team to quickly diagnose and address any issues you may have with your teeth. Book your consultation today at todaysdentalofil.com.

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